70+ Growth Hacking Tips

So, these are really just the headlines to the actual tips but i’m sure you’ll piece it together.

Joe Murfin
3 min readMar 31, 2017



These are the loading text tips from www.growthhackersslack.com a slack community for growth hackers.

People buy things that make them feel better about themselves

Produce content which piggybacks off of a big industry event

There’s probably a tool for that repetitive task you’re doing. If not, make one.

Break down your primary growth goals into realistic but accessible smaller goals

When you do split tests, make sure the differences are radically different.

Organise your inbox by unread first

Focus more on generating leads than generating fans

Resend your email to people who didn’t open it a few days later. With a different subject line.

Repurpose long form content (video, infographic, audio)

Dynamically change landing page copy to match ad copy

Add a negative statement option — to close a popup

Short meetings and long test periods

Email news publishers for your industry

Blog about your tests

Map Out Your Email Sequence

Double Loop Referral Program

Use a Facebook Like popup with an incentive

Submit your app/blog/website to relevant websites

Join relevant Facebook groups and post ( nicely ) about your thing.

Opt in on your landing page should be above the fold, on desktop and mobile.

Use buzzsumo to find best content in your niche and recreate it + add your own spin to it.

Use Upwork to outsource your content production

Use a competition to collect emails or get page likes

Create a free tool to collect leads

Shopping cart abandonment email

Insert Google calendar invites into emails

Add social logins to login pages on your app

Progressive sign up forms

Build Your Audience Before You Need Them

Prompt users to share after converting

Ask for feedback on HackerNews

Create round up posts featuring influencers

Retarget on a specific piece of content

View loads of peoples Linkedin profiles.

Create slideshares our of your blog post

Run a social sweepstakes to generate leads
Make your CTA say exactly what the button will do

Use the hashtag “#growthhacking” on Twitter ( just trust me this works due to how many people automate engagement on that)

Create email drip campaigns

Clean up your email list

Use testimonials

Use a headline tester before publishing

T-shirt give away competition for sing ups

A/B test everything (Keep doing this until you find a huge win)

Target people using the local locations option on AdWords

Use 35% scroll popups on content

Create twitter lists

Create a twitter moment

Download your snaps and re-upload them to other social channels. ( Go to settings, under moments)

@ mention people when you post content on Twitter

Tag twitter users in your photos on twitter

Tag users in your photos on instagram

Make your 404 page a landing page

Reschedule popular Tweets

Add an image to your gmail profile for increased open rates

Send emails from a real person. Example: joe@growthhackersslack.com

Create automated webinars

Start A Whatsapp group ( depends on your market, works well for events)

Use exit intent popups

Use Gmail ads to bid on your competitors keywords

Set a time period for your AdWords call extension

Use content upgrades

Use pre-filled form fields on your website

Provide a secondary CTA on your Thank You Page

Send out old articles as newsletters on the weekend

Hide retargeting cookies for 45 seconds

Repeat customers generate 41% of average total revenue.

Simple ads perform 40% better than complex ads.

Give Them the Option to Buy More than One product.

Add a Refer a Friend Component — affiliate options

Welcome mats bump conversions by 70%

Finally : Spend the time to figure out how to do something faster if you have to do it more than twice.

